Overwatch 2 Invasion Features New Hero, Modes, And More

Illari joins the fight in Overwatch 2 Invasion

A brand new hero has joined the Overwatch 2 Invasion, a new season for Blizzard’s online brawler that introduces new modes and events for all fans to enjoy. The season will have players fighting against Null Sector omnics with the help of the new hero Illari, a support hero who unleashes the power of the sun with her railgun.

Overwatch 2 Invasion is one of the biggest updates to the game ever since its original launch. Three story missions have been added, although locked behind a $15 paywall, but the purchase does unlock in-game currency worth $10. The missions tell the story of what occurs following the reunion of Overwatch in the Zero Hour cinematic.

One of the most exciting updates to the game is the new hero Illari, a welcomed addition to Overwatch 2’s support roster. A native of Peru, Illari utilizes a deployable pylon that allows her to heal both herself and her teammates in short bursts. Her primary fire is a damage beam while her secondary is a healing beam, both running on limited resources.

Overwatch 2 Invasion
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Illari’s ultimate steals the show as it launches her in the air while she unloads a huge burst of sunpower onto her enemies, marking and slowing them. Enemies that die in the shot will explode and deal AoE damage to nearby enemies.

The new OW2 Flashpoint mode isn’t to be slept on, as players must capture numerous targets spread across the mapa. There are five control points on each map, and they are unlocked one at a time beginning with the center point. The winning team on the map is the first to score three points. Two new maps are introduced in the OW2 Flashpoint mode: New Junk City and Suravasa.

If you’ve been on the fence to play the popular online shooter, there’s no better time than now to join the fight with the Overwatch 2 Invasion update.

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