Joshua Vides New Exhibition
Joshua Vides New Exhibition is titled “When Time Stood Still” and the exhibition was showcased in Los Angeles, California. Joshua pushed through the boundaries from COVID-19 in order to complete this art piece and he did a great job.
The exhibition that Joshua Vides created has a black and white theme with black polka dots on the walls with a white background. On the walls are four clocks, a G-Shock clock, Mikey Mouse, Rolex, Butterfinger, and a Cartier clock. There is a bench painted on the ground that gives the illusion that it is 3d rather than 2d.
Joshua Vides explains the connection of the human race during COVID-19 and the importance of his New Exhibition called When Time Stood Still: “Each piece represents a month from this year as well as a different walk of life. There was a moment in 2020 where regardless of class, race, religion, or sex. time stood still.”
The New Exhibition called When Time Stood Still shows a theme of contrast between black and white paint. The bench that was painted is on top of a polka-dotted rug that matches the walls in the Joshua Vides exhibition.
All four of the clocks in Joshua Vides’s new exhibition have frozen hands to represent “When Time Stood Still” during the global pandemic. Joshua wants to use this piece to remind people to slow down and appreciate the great things in life such as family and nature.
Joshua Vides New Exhibition is sold out of tickets for in-person viewing at LA. The location of the exhibition was undisclosed. Joshua launched a sale of the exhibit’s merch online on December 19, 2020.