In a sequel to 2020’s FF7 Remake, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth draws near
The new Final Fantasy VII Rebirth trailer was showcased at this year’s Summer Games Fest, serving as part two of the FF7 remake’s trilogy and picks up where the game finished off in 2020’s first installment. Cloud Strife and the gang continue to track down the story’s antagonist, Sephiroth.
Fan favorite Red XIII, who was only a guest party member in the Remake, will be playable this time around. Another character that appears briefly in the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth trailer is Yuffie. This suggests that she will also be included in the party, which makes sense given that she was playable in the Intergrade DLC.
Square Enix finally unveiled an early 2024 release date for FF7 Rebirth, which will be the first ever PlayStation 5 game to launch on two disks. This seems to imply that the game will be significantly bigger than anything we’ve seen on the system up to this point, which is impressive given how early we are in the current gen of gaming consoles.
Since the unexpected ending of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has been highly anticipated by fans. Its release date was initially slated for 2023 when it was first announced during Final Fantasy VII’s 25th Anniversary Celebration Stream the previous year.
Although this trailer debuting at Summer Games Fest officially indicates it will be released in the first half of 2024, we won’t mind the wait. With that said, those on PC will have to wait a year or so longer.
Check out the full FF7 Rebirth trailer below.