Nintendo Reportedly Laughed at Microsofts Offer

Nintendo Reportedly Laughed at Microsoft 

Nintendo Reportedly Laughed at Microsofts offer to purchase the company. Microsoft executives went to Nintendo and had a meeting, in the meeting Microsoft introduced their proposition to purchase Nintendo. After Nintendo heard what they wanted they burst out laughing in Microsoft executive’s faces and declined the offer.

When the Xbox was first created, Microsoft had meetings with a number of other developers with offers for the console.

In a new oral history report, it was said that Microsoft was working with Nintendo to have a joint partnership between the two tech mega minds against Sony. Nintendo Reportedly Laughed at Microsofts offer and sadly declined it.

Kevin Bachus, a former director of third-party relations for Xbox described the rejection by Nintendo: “They just laughed their asses off. Like, imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you. That was kind of how that meeting went.”.

As you could imagine, it must have been an embarrassing experience for Microsoft executives, when they represented the Microsoft offer.

Nintendo and Microsoft fans are left wondering what could have happened if the two companies combined. The entirety of gaming would be completely different than today, for better or for worse.

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