The John Cena Guinness World Record honors the WWE superstar
With 650 Make-A-Wish Foundation engagements, the John Cena Guinness World Record has been set. Since first partnering in 2002 with the nonprofit organization for children with critical illnesses, John Cena has now averaged almost 33 engagements each year.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation aids in granting the wishes of kids who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Designed for youngsters between the ages of as low as two to as high as eighteen years old, the organization provides the option to donate gifts to others, attend events, or even meet celebrities.
With the John Cena Guinness World Record, the actor, rapper, and WWE wrestler has been acknowledged and honored for his work, if he even considers it as such.
“If Make-A-Wish ever needs me, I don’t care what I’m doing,” Cena told Reuters. “I’ll drop what I’m doing and be involved because I think that’s the coolest thing.”
In 2012, Cena granted the 1,000th wish for the organization to a fan named Cardon, and in 2015, he achieved the milestone of 500 personal wishes granted. Since no one else has ever come close to Cena’s achievement, the Guinness World Records website dubbed the endeavor “herculean”.
“If I can offer a fantastic experience, I’ll be first in line to do my part,” added Cena.
Since the Make-A-Wish Foundation’s creation in 1999, Cena has been the most frequently requested celebrity, as reported by Guinness. In its history, the foundation claims the next man up has no more than 200 wishes granted, which makes the John Cena Guinness World Record 650-wish milestone even more astonishing.
“We’re thrilled to celebrate John Cena and his involvement with the Make-A-Wish foundation,” Guinness told NPR.
Aside from being a champion both on and off the ring, Cena will star back as Jakob Toretto in the upcoming Fast X film and will feature in HBO’s Peacemaker for its second season.